Results for 'Philip D. Fryer'

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  1.  46
    Making the Case for Conformal Gravity.Philip D. Mannheim - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (3):388-420.
    We review some recent developments in the conformal gravity theory that has been advanced as a candidate alternative to standard Einstein gravity. As a quantum theory the conformal theory is both renormalizable and unitary, with unitarity being obtained because the theory is a PT symmetric rather than a Hermitian theory. We show that in the theory there can be no a priori classical curvature, with all curvature having to result from quantization. In the conformal theory gravity requires no independent quantization (...)
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    Closed and unbounded classes and the härtig quantifier model.Philip D. Welch - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (2):564-584.
    We show that assuming modest large cardinals, there is a definable class of ordinals, closed and unbounded beneath every uncountable cardinal, so that for any closed and unbounded subclasses $P, Q, {\langle L[P],\in,P \rangle }$ and ${\langle L[Q],\in,Q \rangle }$ possess the same reals, satisfy the Generalised Continuum Hypothesis, and moreover are elementarily equivalent. Examples of such P are Card, the class of uncountable cardinals, I the uniform indiscernibles, or for any n the class $C^{n}{=_{{\operatorname {df}}}}\{ \lambda \, | \, (...)
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    Why Faith is a Virtue.Philip D. Smith - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock.
    In Why Faith is a Virtue, Philip D. Smith builds on the work of Alasdair MacIntyre and Robert Adams to argue that faith contributes to human excellence. To make the argument, Smith sorts through conflicting possible "faiths" and shows how some of them are not virtues at all. Nevertheless, he argues that faith, properly understood, contributes to crucial human practices: scientific research, social reform, and parenting.
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    Reductionism in medicine: some thoughts on medical education from the clinical front line.Philip D. Welsby - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (2):125-131.
  5.  37
    Evidence‐based medicine, guidelines, personality types, relatives and absolutes.Philip D. Welsby - 2002 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 8 (2):163-166.
  6. Attractive and Repulsive Gravity.Philip D. Mannheim - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (5):709-746.
    We discuss the circumstances under which gravity might be repulsive rather than attractive. In particular we show why our standard solar system distance scale gravitational intuition need not be a reliable guide to the behavior of gravitational phenomena on altogether larger distance scales such as cosmological, and argue that in fact gravity actually gets to act repulsively on such distance scales. With such repulsion a variety of current cosmological problems (the flatness, horizon, dark matter, universe age, cosmic acceleration and cosmological (...)
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    Studies in the Ethics and Philosophy of Religion.D. Z. Philips (ed.) - 2005 - Routledge.
    Routledge is proud to reissue these nine pivotal titles from the acclaimed series Studies in Ethics and the Philosophy of Religion. Including key works by Ahern, Beardsmore, Pike, and others, these books are essential for all serious collections. Available as single volumes or as a nine-volume set, the titles in this collection were originally published between 1950-1960 by Routledge and Kegan Paul: Volume 1: The Problem of Evil M.B. Ahern Hb: 0-415-31841-6 Volume 2: Moral Reasoning R.W. Beardsmore Hb:0-415-31842-4 Volume 3: (...)
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    Germinal and Zola's Philosophical and Religious Thought.Philip D. Walker - 1984 - John Benjamins.
    The Factualistic, Positivistic Basis . . . this life of suffering, of doubt, which makes you deeply love naked, living reality. Zola "Gustave Doret,"Mex ...
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  9.  24
    The ramified analytical hierarchy using extended logics.Philip D. Welch - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (3):306-318.
    The use of Extended Logics to replace ordinary second order definability in Kleene’s Ramified Analytical Hierarchy is investigated. This mirrors a similar investigation of Kennedy, Magidor and Väänänen [11] where Gödel’s universe L of constructible sets is subjected to similar variance. Enhancing second order definability allows models to be defined which may or may not coincide with the original Kleene hierarchy in domain. Extending the logic with game quantifiers, and assuming strong axioms of infinity, we obtain minimal correct models of (...)
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  10.  16
    Prokofiev’s Score and Cantata for Eisenstein's Alexander Nevsky.Philip D. Roberts - 1977 - Semiotica 21 (1-2).
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  11.  43
    Some observations on truth hierarchies: A correction.Philip D. Welch - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):857-860.
    A correction is needed to our paper: to the definition contained within the statement of Lemma 1.5 and thus arguments around it in §3.
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    Majority rule and general decision rules.Philip D. Straffin - 1977 - Theory and Decision 8 (4):351-360.
  13.  23
    Voter Malaise and the Disruption of Truth and Timelessness.Philip D. Dalton - 2002 - American Journal of Semiotics 18 (1-4):221-236.
    The increasing awareness of the incommensurability between voters’ attitudes about voting and the reality of voting are contributing to the much written-about voter malaise which plagues U.S. elections. Voters who assume their role is to determine the ideal, right, or best candidate confront an election system in our current communication environment that attempts to market candidates to match voters’ ideals, while also providing a surfeit of information that both contradicts the ideal depictions while also making transparent the process by which (...)
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  14.  24
    Discrete transfinite computation models.Philip D. Welch - 2011 - In S. B. Cooper & Andrea Sorbi, Computability in Context: Computation and Logic in the Real World. World Scientific. pp. 375--414.
  15.  41
    "Peaks of Yemen I Summon": Poetry as Cultural Practice in a North Yemeni Tribe.Philip D. Schuyler & Stephen C. Caton - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (3):467.
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    An attempt to determine the binding energy of point defects and dislocations in sodium chloride by internal friction measurements.D. C. Philips & P. L. Pratt - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 22 (178):809-814.
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    The Virtue of Civility in the Practice of Politics.Philip D. Smith - 2002 - UPA.
    Virtue of Civility in the Practice of Politics is a book at the intersection of ethical theory, political philosophy and Christian belief. The book argues that there is a true political virtue: civility. Civility is a virtue that is directed toward the political opponent. MacIntyre's schema for understanding a virtue is used to show how civility contributes to better human living in a variety of contexts: business, family life, church life, and public affairs.
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  18.  68
    Local and global gravity.Philip D. Mannheim - 1996 - Foundations of Physics 26 (12):1683-1709.
    Our long experience with Newtonian potentials has inured us to the view that gravity only produces local effects. In this paper we challenge this quite deeply ingrained notion and explicitly identify some intrinsically global gravitational effects. In particular we show that the global cosmological Hubble flow can actually modify the motions of stars and gas within individual galaxies, and even do so in a way which can apparently eliminate the need for galactic dark matter. Also we show that a classical (...)
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  19.  25
    We Answer to Another: Authority, Office, and the Image of God, written by David T. Koyzis.Philip D. Shadd - 2015 - Philosophia Reformata 80 (2):224-227.
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  20.  36
    PT Symmetry, Conformal Symmetry, and the Metrication of Electromagnetism.Philip D. Mannheim - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (9):1229-1257.
    We present some interesting connections between PT symmetry and conformal symmetry. We use them to develop a metricated theory of electromagnetism in which the electromagnetic field is present in the geometric connection. However, unlike Weyl who first advanced this possibility, we do not take the connection to be real but to instead be PT symmetric, with it being \ rather than \ itself that then appears in the connection. With this modification the standard minimal coupling of electromagnetism to fermions is (...)
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  21. Explanation From Physics to the Philosophy of Religion: Continuities and Discontinuities.Philip D. Clayton - 1986 - Dissertation, Yale University
    This thesis looks at explanation in the natural sciences, the social sciences, and in religious reflection. Although these fields differ radically in the objects studied and the methods employed, they do evidence certain formal commonalities when one inquires into the nature of the explanatory endeavor as it is manifested in each. By exploring the links between explanations and the various contexts or disciplines in which they occur, I attempt to provide a general framework for speaking of rational explanations in these (...)
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  22.  69
    On the possibility, or otherwise, of hypercomputation.Philip D. Welch - 2004 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55 (4):739-746.
    We claim that a recent article of P. Cotogno ([2003]) in this journal is based on an incorrect argument concerning the non-computability of diagonal functions. The point is that whilst diagonal functions are not computable by any function of the class over which they diagonalise, there is no ?logical incomputability? in their being computed over a wider class. Hence this ?logical incomputability? regrettably cannot be used in his argument that no hypercomputation can compute the Halting problem. This seems to lead (...)
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  23.  62
    Assessing the nature of science: What is the nature of our assessments?Norman G. Lederman, Philip D. Wade & Randy L. Bell - 1998 - Science & Education 7 (6):595-615.
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  24. Set-theoretic absoluteness and the revision theory of truth.Benedikt Löwe & Philip D. Welch - 2001 - Studia Logica 68 (1):21-41.
    We describe the solution of the Limit Rule Problem of Revision Theory and discuss the philosophical consequences of the fact that the truth set of Revision Theory is a complete 1/2 set.
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    Understanding hope: a brief philosophical exploration, drawing on theology, psychology, and personal loss.Philip D. Smith - 2022 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    What is hope? A feeling? Something you do? A belief or a cluster of beliefs? A way of perceiving the world? Is hope the same as wishful thinking? Hope is complicated. Nevertheless, hope can make our lives better. In Understanding Hope, Philip Smith combines theology, psychology, philosophy, and his own experience of personal loss to help readers understand and practice hope. Understanding Hope is short, but it requires hard thinking. It's worth the effort.
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    When cardinals determine the power set: inner models and Härtig quantifier logic.Jouko Väänänen & Philip D. Welch - forthcoming - Mathematical Logic Quarterly.
    We show that the predicate “x is the power set of y” is ‐definable, if V = L[E] is an extender model constructed from a coherent sequences of extenders, provided that there is no inner model with a Woodin cardinal. Here is a predicate true of just the infinite cardinals. From this we conclude: the validities of second order logic are reducible to, the set of validities of the Härtig quantifier logic. Further we show that if no L[E] model has (...)
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  27.  11
    Understanding Legitimacy: Political Theory and Neo-Calvinist Social Thought.Philip D. Shadd - 2016 - Lexington Books.
    This book addresses a substantive normative issue of contemporary political theory, the issue of political legitimacy, critiquing the mainstream approach of justificatory liberalism and offering an alternative reconstructed from neo-Calvinist social thought, a rich source of insights that might be applied to other issues within political theory.
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  28.  13
    Why Nothing is Justified by Justifiactory Liberalism.Philip D. Shadd - 2014 - Public Reason 6 (1-2).
    According to justificatory liberalism legal coercion is legitimate only when exercised for reasons that all reasonable persons can accept. That is, laws are legitimate only if they satisfy JL’s unanimity condition. This principle entails that if no law meets the unanimity condition, then no law is legitimate. However, given the diversity of persons who meet JL’s own twofold criteria of ‘reasonable’ – commitment to fair cooperation and recognition of reasonable pluralism – no law would be supported by all reasonable persons (...)
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  29.  74
    Open questions in classical gravity.Philip D. Mannheim - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (4):487-511.
    We discuss some outstanding open questions regarding the validity and uniqueness of the standard second-order Newton-Einstein classical gravitational theory. On the observational side we discuss the degree to which the realm of validity of Newton's law of gravity can actually be extended to distances much larger than the solar system distance scales on which the law was originally established. On the theoretical side we identify some commonly accepted (but actually still open to question) assumptions which go into the formulation of (...)
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  30.  16
    Bird on an ethics wire: Battles about values in the culture wars Margaret Somerville montreal, qc: Mcgill-queen’s university press, 2015; XVIII + 358 pp.; $34.95 cad. [REVIEW]Philip D. Shadd - 2016 - Dialogue 55 (4):791-793.
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    Solution to the Ghost Problem in Fourth Order Derivative Theories.Philip D. Mannheim - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):532-571.
    We present a solution to the ghost problem in fourth order derivative theories. In particular we study the Pais–Uhlenbeck fourth order oscillator model, a model which serves as a prototype for theories which are based on second plus fourth order derivative actions. Via a Dirac constraint method quantization we construct the appropriate quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian and Hilbert space for the system. We find that while the second-quantized Fock space of the general Pais–Uhlenbeck model does indeed contain the negative norm energy eigenstates (...)
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  32.  31
    Some information-processing models suggest possible connections between hallucinations and discourse failures.Philip D. Harvey - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (3):532-532.
  33.  21
    Stably measurable cardinals.Philip D. Welch - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (2):448-470.
    We define a weak iterability notion that is sufficient for a number of arguments concerning $\Sigma _{1}$ -definability at uncountable regular cardinals. In particular we give its exact consistency strength first in terms of the second uniform indiscernible for bounded subsets of $\kappa $ : $u_2$, and secondly to give the consistency strength of a property of Lücke’s.TheoremThe following are equiconsistent:There exists $\kappa $ which is stably measurable;for some cardinal $\kappa $, $u_2=\sigma $ ;The $\boldsymbol {\Sigma }_{1}$ -club property holds (...)
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    Religious Pluralism and Values in the Public SphereLENN E. GOODMAN New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014; 227 pp.; $28.99 USD. [REVIEW]Philip D. Shadd - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (3):585-587.
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    Disease Exchange Across the Tropical Atlantic.Philip D. Curtin - 1993 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 15 (3):329 - 356.
    The fifteenth-century encounter between previously separate disease environments was not simply an encounter between Europe and the Americas. It was preceded by an encounter between Europe and tropical Africa and followed by a still-more-intense transmission of diseases across the tropical Atlantic, mainly from Africa to the Americas. This transmission principally involved smallpox, yaws, yellow fever, and falciparum malaria. Many other vector-borne diseases failed to make the transfer for lack of suitable vectors in the Americas. The African diseases contributed even more (...)
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  36.  46
    The Life That is Light.Philip D. Kiely - 1937 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 12 (4):680-681.
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    Nicholas of Lyra: Apocalypse Commentator, Historian, and Critic.Philip D. Krey - 1992 - Franciscan Studies 52 (1):53-84.
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  38.  21
    Selling [out] the church in the marketplace of desire.Dr Philip D. Kenneson - 1993 - Modern Theology 9 (4):319-348.
  39.  37
    George Berkeley: Idealism and the Man. [REVIEW]Philip D. Cummins - 1997 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (3):647-648.
    This book is neither a biography nor an in-depth interpretation of Berkeley's philosophical system. There are numerous details about Berkeley's life, social relationships, and intellectual contributions, but Berman neither explores these matters in comprehensive depth nor claims to do so. What, then, does he do? Berman's answer is: "Advancing chronologically, I have focussed on Berkeley as homo religiosus". He uses biographical details to portray Berkeley as a Christian thinker who acted on his commitment both in and out of his study. (...)
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    Space as situated analysis: Using embodied concepts to engage social dimensions.Philip D. Plowright & Natalie Florence - 2021 - Environment, Space, Place 13 (2):25-50.
    Abstract:This article correlates the physical composition of the built environment with social interactions and human relationships. The resulting framework draws on an embodied cognitive position through interdisciplinary knowledge with priority given to architectural theory and cognitive linguistics. This approach does not address idiosyncratic, phenomenological descriptions of experiences of place but the potential relationship of human bodies through situated semantics suggested by spatial composition. In this article we ask how the physical arrangement of a space can provide information for analyzing the (...)
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  41.  18
    Family planning programmes in ten developing countries: cost effectiveness by mode of service delivery.Sally Craig Huber & Philip D. Harvey - 1989 - Journal of Biosocial Science 21 (3):267-277.
  42.  30
    Global square and mutual stationarity at the ℵn.Peter Koepke & Philip D. Welch - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (10):787-806.
    We give the proof of a theorem of Jensen and Zeman on the existence of a global □ sequence in the Core Model below a measurable cardinal κ of Mitchell order ) equal to κ++, and use it to prove the following theorem on mutual stationarity at n.Let ω1 denote the first uncountable cardinal of V and set to be the class of ordinals of cofinality ω1.TheoremIf every sequence n m. In particular, there is such a model in which for (...)
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  43.  30
    Use of text stimuli normalizes reality monitoring in schizophrenics.Robbi R. Tanenbaum & Philip D. Harvey - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (4):336-338.
  44.  85
    Bounded Martin's Maximum, Weak [image] Cardinals, and [image].David Asperó & Philip D. Welch - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (3):1141 - 1152.
    We prove that a form of the $Erd\H{o}s$ property (consistent with $V = L\lbrack H_{\omega_2}\rbrack$ and strictly weaker than the Weak Chang's Conjecture at ω1), together with Bounded Martin's Maximum implies that Woodin's principle $\psi_{AC}$ holds, and therefore 2ℵ0 = ℵ2. We also prove that $\psi_{AC}$ implies that every function $f: \omega_1 \rightarrow \omega_1$ is bounded by some canonical function on a club and use this to produce a model of the Bounded Semiproper Forcing Axiom in which Bounded Martin's Maximum (...)
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  45. Dimensional Comparison Theory : An Extension of the Internal/External Frame of Reference Model.W. Marsh Herbert, D. Parker Philip & G. Craven Rhonda - 2015 - In Frédéric Guay, Self-concept, motivation, and identity underpinning success with research and practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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    Family planning programmes in ten developing countries: cost effectiveness by mode of service delivery.Sallie Craig Huber & Philip D. Harvey - 1989 - Journal of Biosocial Science 21 (3):267-277.
  47.  30
    Empathy and nonattachment independently predict peer nominations of prosocial behavior of adolescents.Baljinder K. Sahdra, Joseph Ciarrochi, Philip D. Parker, Sarah Marshall & Patrick Heaven - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  48.  51
    Validating the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ-II) Using Set-ESEM: Identifying Psychosocial Risk Factors in a Sample of School Principals.Theresa Dicke, Herbert W. Marsh, Philip Riley, Philip D. Parker, Jiesi Guo & Marcus Horwood - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:333235.
    School principals world-wide report high levels of strain and attrition resulting in a shortage of qualified principals. It is thus, crucial to identify psychosocial risk factors that reflect principals’ occupational wellbeing. For this purpose, we used the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ-II), a widely used self-report measure covering multiple psychosocial factors identified by leading occupational stress theories. We evaluated the COPSOQ-II regarding factor structure and longitudinal, discriminant, and convergent validity using latent structural equation modeling in a large sample of Australian school (...)
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  49.  41
    Editorial: Development of Executive Function during Childhood.Yusuke Moriguchi, Nicolas Chevalier & Philip D. Zelazo - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  50.  12
    Old Havana / la Habana Vieja: Spirit of the Living City / El Espiritu de la Ciudad Viva.Chip Cooper, Nestor Marti, Eusebio Leal Spengler, Robert Olin, Philip D. Beidler & Magda Resik Aguirre - 2012 - University Alabama Press.
    Old Havana: Spirit of the Living City artistically captures the architecture, people, and daily life of La Habana Vieja through the lenses of two visionary photographers and colleagues, one American and the other Cuban. Chip Cooper and Néstor Martí began collaborating in 2008, documenting the picturesque features of the oldest and most historically rich quarter in Cuba's capital city at the behest of Eusebio Leal Spengler, the historian of the city of Havana and the director of the Habana Vieja restoration (...)
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